Hayes Surelite Stove Fuel 40Kg - Low Smoke

Product Description:

This is your product,  if your looking for a good heat with a resonably good lasting burn and low levels of cinders in your stove    This is one of the  "Generation Next" in "Low smoke" products that ticks all the boxes of burn quality of a  carbon coal / smokey coal, without the smoke, yet meets all the criteria for the new  Low Smoke legislation.  If you have tired smokeless in the past and havent been satisfied with it,  try this Surelite which is our top selling Ovoid.     You'll genuienly be delighted that you did.  This is one of the products of choice for Tom & Orla ( owners of The Dandys ) for their stove at their own house, who alternate between Surelite and Glolite.

Manufactured smokeless ovoid in an oval shape, providing a high heat level,  with a very generous burn time,  that burns completely to a fine ash, leaving no cinders.   This product has higher levels of Pet Coke and lower levels of Anthracite  than our glolite Ovoid, resulting in a faster lit fire, slightly lower  heat and long lasting.  The extra levels of Pet Coke is the reason for the slightly lower price point.   We have many customers who travel from ROI who now choose this product over both Polish Coal and Colombian Coal due to their satisfaction with Surelite.  

Surelite or Glolite ?    Choose Surelite if your lighting your stove for 2-4 hours in the evenings after work for a quick fire that produces good heat and lasts until bedtime.    Choose Glolite if you want your stove lit for longer and need incredible levels of heat and want your stove lit for longer periods of time.   Both products will drive great levels of heat to your radiators and your hot water system.

This product is a direct replacement for Polish Coal or Polish Doubles, when used in a stove.   How does Surelite compare to Polish Coal in a Stove ?   

Similar heat to Polish Coal ;  longer lasting;  burns out better; no cinders;  a cleaner product;  a lower price;  sits and glows and will keep your stove going over night.  This product outsells everything else by a ratio of 10 : 1 for people with stoves. 

Highly recommended and meets all the ROI  Low smoke legislation.

Surelite ( Stove Fuel ) generates excellent heat and leaves behind very few cinders with some ash. It combines all the traditional qualities of a real fire, is slow burning and offers real value for money but it’s also low in cinders and very efficient. It won’t spark or spit like traditional smokey bituminous coal. It’s available for delivery nationwide from your local solid fuel merchant who is only the click of a mouse away............. TheDandys.ie

This  Ovoid designed for your Stove (around the size of a Duck egg )  Great Heat output while long lasting with very little cinders content. This Ovoid is very easy to light, lasts for ages and Glows, red while giving out fantastic Heat. Great to heat your room and also to drive great heat to your back boiler for hot water, for radiators etc. One of our top selling products for stoves which we highly recommend. We can deliver anywhere in Ireland on 1 Ton Pallets via courier service on a 2 - 3 DAY  delivery service.  This Ovoid is particularly suited to a stove or closed glass fronted appliance.

Our 1 Tonne Pallets comprise of 50 x 20kg bags = 1000kgs total  


No wonder more Irish people are switching to Surelite smokeless every year.

Surelite Stove Fuel is:


  • Powerful – Excellent glowing fires with long lasting high heat output.
  • Convenient – Long fire life with less cinders.
  • Environmentally-Friendly – Lower CO2 emissions than bituminous coal.
  • Clean – Clean regular size ovoids and less unburnt fuel (clinkers)
  • Safe – Won’t spit or spark like other smokeless fuels.



Step 1: Firstly clean away all ashes from the last fire and ensure the ash pan is emptied completely. In order for a fire to burn effectively, it needs to get plenty of air beneath it.


Step 2: Lay some small dry sticks (Kindling) or some peat briquettes on top of a firelighter and let them take off.


Step 3: When the sticks or peat briquettes take off place the Surelite on top of the lit sticks / peat briquettes.


Step 4: When the Surelite has fully lit and started to burn a bright orange in colour sit back and enjoy your Surelite warm open fire and refuel when necessary.